Monday, March 8, 2010

You don't make out with friends. You just don't do that.

I don't know how many times I have to make the same mistake before I make any changes in my behavior?

I keep on willingly laying down in the same shallow grave over and over. Sure, my thought pattern was blurry and erratic (and possibly even sporadic as I was swerving in and out of semi-consciousness). Sara had a birthday and we were all drinking JD. Avy was there and she seemed really angry. There were other girls and boys milling about like specks of dust on a map of the abyss.

I didn't think you could fall into a K-hole from just drinking? And I had just found out the day before that I am moving to the NYC at the end of the summer to begin an internship at a magazine. One with lots of pictures of half-naked, anorectic 14-year olds with heroin habits.

Speaking about anorectics ... I made out with an anorectic friend. Her eyes nearly drowned me in black waters, sucked me down and under. Her lips eager, her tongue hungry (no wonder really). But I should know I should know I should know. Now that I am rising from the pits with a throbbing headache.

You don't make out with friends.


  1. no guilt involved hopefully. right? we all do shit, especially when fucked up. if you need someone to make-out with give me a call--we're not friends.


  2. Kind of interesting pic, I would say.
    Congratulations with your internship >:)

  3. It was great seeing you Kim, we should meet up soon again. Take care <3

  4. Congrats on the intern! Im hoping after i graduate to move to NYC to do one too!

    And we all do stupid things when we're drunk, laughing it off is always the best thing!

    -Victoria India.

  5. This is an interesting post :)

  6. That's why I only become friends with attractive women after they've turned down my advances. That way if something happens its not so bad because she knew I always wanted her anyway. My other drinking buddies tend to be overweight hispanic dudes and I don't think making out a party is in the realm of possibilities. She does sound like an awesome kisser by the way. Hope it doesn't get too awkward.

  7. p.s. i was too self absorbed last nite, so let me finish my comment.

    congrats on the internship! that totally rocks!

    and this line = perfection: Her lips eager, her tongue hungry (no wonder really) hahahahahaha! omg. thank you for making me laugh! i hope i took that the way it was meant to be read.


  8. congrats on the internship- that rocks :)

  9. this is very expressively written. don't feel guilty about that, kim, we do wrong things sometimes.
    that internship rocks. congrats! and in NYC!

  10. Your internship sounds like a stroke of insanely good luck, congrats darling!

  11. Every time I visit your blog im blown away by talent =]
    new york wont know what hit them.

    hope things with the friend turn out ok..


  12. never make out with friends unless you plan on never seeing them again.

  13. the real question is, would you make out with me?

    xx x

  14. Congratulations on the internship...and NY! Amazing!

    I read over your posts and you've a very poignant and straight forward style of writing (which is probably my favourite style). Do you read Ernest Hemmingway? (If not, you should) Also Of Human Bondage by Summerset Moham.

    Additionally, it's impossible to avoid making out with a friend at some point, so don't worry about it too much (awkward, yes - not disputing that). Over time it won't even register on the radar, though!

    Big hug,
    Amy x

  15. Dear sweet readers,

    If you see this. I am so happy that you care to read my ramblings. Thanks for advice, shared experiences, literature suggestions etc.
    I worship y'all (a little expression I picked up in New Orleans).


  16. I have learned "you don't make out with friends" the hard way. Hope you are well!



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